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Inquirer's Page

Is the Orthodox Church really Christian? That seems to be the basic question behind a lot of inquiries about Orthodoxy. To be sure, it is not that everyone is wondering whether or not individuals are Christians or not. Rather, whether the Orthodox Church has doctrines that are unchristian and heretical. Of course, there are certain things about Orthodoxy that can seem to certain Protestant traditions to be heretical. However, heretical from what starting point?

Orthodoxy is also linked frequently with the Roman Catholic Church. Indeed, the Roman Catholics contend that there are really no substantial differences between them and Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy sees that differently. Because so much of Protestant reaction to Orthodoxy comes from certain anti-Catholic polemics, it will be necessary for us to make note of some of those differences from our perspective.

My main goal on this page is not to put down anyone as it is to inform you of what Orthodoxy believes about certain topics of interest to inquirers. That does not mean that I will not at times be making distinctions between Orthodoxy and other traditions. In explaining what we believe, especially for inquirers, it is important to say why we don't subscribe to conflicting doctrines of other traditions. It means we will tell the truth about our beliefs and how that differs with others on key points. However, by doing so we are not saying that everyone who believes the opposite is necessarily damned. That is God's decision, not ours.

It is the hope that in these pages, one will gain a greater understanding of Orthodoxy and where we are coming from. Also for those who are searching for the Church, that you will find in the articles here what you have been looking for. What I attempt to do here is to help inquirers to make the mental jump to see the Orthodox perspective, which is different from the traditional Western tradition. Once a person begins to see from the Orthodox view, a lot of things fall into place spiritually, biblically, and in many other ways. It is my hope that these pages will help you to make that jump.

Timothy Copple

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