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Inquirer's Question and Answer Page

This is a web page to create a database of articles on various questions that inquirers and new converts to Orthodoxy tend to ask about. They are designed to be more basic and introductory, though there is generally some good research and effort put into them. We hope they will aid inquirers to begin to understand the Orthodox mind set and way of looking a the faith which can bring more meaning to what many are use to as religion.

To the left are some subject links. Click on these to see articles we currently have listed under those subjects. Feel free to browse. We hope to have a search engine up running soon as well. As time goes by, we plan on expanding, adding more articles and developing what we hope to be a premier place on the web for inquirers to find answers to their most common questions.

If after browsing the links to the left you have not found an answer to a specific question you have, please fill in the form below with your question. We cannot guarantee that they will make it on this page, but we will do our best to answer all questions either privately or on this web page if the question is of general interest. We will also try to answer these as quickly as possible, but due to time constraints and needed research to answer certain questions, we make no promises on how fast you will get the answer. For quickest results, make sure you have checked the links on this page for your answer before submitting it to us. An * marks required information.

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No personal information entered here will be given out or sold. All is held in confidence. Thank you for your interest and we will do our best to answer your questions.

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